November 17, 2005

JCAR Strikes at Clean Water Again

Uncontrolled nutrient pollution causes runaway growth of algae that can make drinking water taste bad, promote growth of mosquitoes, and suck oxygen out of the water that fish need to breathe.

Last summer developers buried an Illinois EPA proposal to protect clean water in fast-growing areas by getting a relatively obscure legislative body - the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules - to quash a common-sense proposal that was the result of years of meetings, hard work, and compromise by all parties. IEPA is still working to respond to that sneak attack, and now their other major clean water initiative has been at least temporarily halted by pressure behind closed doors.

At issue is a proposal by the Blagojevich administration to protect drinking water and wildlife from pollution by requiring new or expanded wastewater plants to use widely available technology to remove phosphorus as part of treating sewage. Since these controls aren't required, most of our major rivers are overloaded with this nutrient that is natural in small quantities, but quickly becomes a threat to drinking water and aquatic life when dumped unchecked in millions of gallons of wastewater per day. Many plants are including the technology voluntarily now.

Increasingly JCAR is being used as a tool by polluters to block regulations using arguments that either didn't work or weren't made in the rulemaking process. If your legislator sits on JCAR,
let them know you support clean water and you hope they do too.

November 09, 2005

Party Pics

Thanks to all who turned out Sunday night - we're off to our best and earliest start ever with our 2006 campaigns!

Thanks to Charlie Love & the Silky Smooth Blues Band - not very often that dancing breaks out at a Sierra Club meeeting.

Great to see so many colleagues, old friends AND new faces.

And thanks to Sara Feigenholtz and John Cullerton for showing up on a Sunday and telling folks why we need to elect more environmentalists to office.

November 07, 2005

Good Times At the Mines

We had over 200 people tonight at our 2006 campaign kickoff fundaiser at Kingston Mines in Chicago. This gives us a huge boost going into a campaign season that is full of opportunities to elect environmental champions.

Senator Cullerton and Representative Feighenholz spoke well about the importance of having a Sierra Club voice in Springfield, and in camapaigns around the state.

Thanks to everyone who came, and who helped make it happen!

November 03, 2005

A Good Party For a Good Cause

Sunday night is our kickoff party for our 2006 campaign efforts. Join us for a fun night of down home blues and green friends, featuring Charlie Love and the Silky Smooth Blues Band, plus down-home cookin' with a soul food buffet and a chance to support candidates who will protect our air, water, and natural heritage. Remarks by State Senator John Cullerton and State Representative Sara Feigenholtz.

Kingston Mines Blues Club
2548 North Halsted, Chicago.
Sunday, November 6, 2005. 5 - 8 PM
Tickets - $35

For more information, and to reserve your spot, see